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Hello Largo Luvers

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 03:34
by drewslargo
Well here I am in County Durham
but moving to Washington Tyne and Weir as our house got wrecked by the floods
and we are in temp accom at the moment in Langley Moor
just have to play the game with the hand dealt as they say,
had a lucida that blew is head twice got rid of that and now have a T plate Largo super charged 2.4 petrol automatic
the rev counter is so erratic its unreal
start up from cold it swings between 1k and well into the red over rev some times it settles down other time it doesn't
it does not stall though runs quite smoothly but that counter drives me up the wall

has any one else had this problem and found a fix for it please
kindest regards to you all

Re: Hello Largo Luvers

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 08:44
by gixxerboy
Hey bud, i live down the road near Middlesbrough. I have no idea how to fix it but someone will be along soon to tell you exactly whats wrong with it and how to fix it. This is the best place to come for helpfull advise and for the most part, parts lol. Enjoy your stay mate.

Re: Hello Largo Luvers

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 09:44
by N.r.g
Hi and welcome to the forum.

first id check the plugs into the back of the clocks. may be a case of you need a replacment rev counter.

Re: Hello Largo Luvers

Posted: 07 Oct 2012, 14:07
by Cueball
Hey welcome to the forums.

Cueball from Pembrokeshire