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newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 19:36
by billybob
Hi everyone we are Neil and Jane from Rochdale. Just bought a Largo Highway star and stumbled across the website. We are sureto have many questions for you all soon!!
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 19:38
by the shiney one
hi and welcome to the club
questions just fire away one of us will help
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 19:49
by largodaddy
welcome neil and jane your in the right place
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:14
by gixxerboy
olaz peeps,your surname aint thornton is it lol.welcome to the club
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:21
by billybob
Ha Ha no but we have a question already. We havent yet drove our largo yet we pick it up next week. We have asked a few people what mpg we would get out of it. We have bought a 2.4 petrol and have had a variety of anwers. Can anyone help us out please?
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:26
by ringwooddan
Hi! Welcome! Ours is a 2.4 petrol too - currently starting a scientific analysis of our mpg - have a spreadsheet all ready and everything! Some people reckon you can get 30mpg on runs, but I know I'm well below that - 24 is the best I've seen her do.
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:33
by billybob
Thanks for your speedy response. I would love to see the results of your analysis when its complete. Good luck with it!
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:35
by ringwooddan
billybob wrote:Thanks for your speedy response. I would love to see the results of your analysis when its complete. Good luck with it!
No probs! Will post them as I go... although I don't really drive that fast... not like some of the peeps on here!!!!
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:40
by theorangeone
hi and welcome to you both,
any problems and you can get them sorted on hear,
not to far from me,
about 25 mins away from you,
Re: newbies from Rochdale
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 20:56
by Cueball
Hello and welcome to the forums.
Cueball from Pembrokeshire